Hi! Need some Keeper help!

Hi! Need some Keeper help!

Hi! Need some Keeper help!

I was asked to run a last-minute session tonight with little lead time and I’m looking for a mystery akin to Friday the 13th. I didn’t know if anybody had anything like that on-hand.

Hit me with your bases supernatural super-powered killers! Or just any mystery you think would be appropriate for a small suburban northeastern town!

5 thoughts on “Hi! Need some Keeper help!”

  1. Here is one I just threw together for tomorrow. It’s pretty barebones cause a lot of it is still in my brain pan. Basic idea, a witch summoned an alp and cursed a family a long time ago. Alp and witch were caught in their house and sealed up. New construction has released alp and it’s started up again.

    The interesting aspect is that to build up fear and tension, it’s started killing others first and it’s gotten into True Crime TV and news about itself. The alp itself really isn’t a terror in a fight. The idea is that it kills sleeping victims normally sitting on their chest feeding on their dreams and smothering them. It is however nigh immortal and really tricky. The players can either seal the alp up again or release it so it won’t go after the specific family, however the campaign will constantly mention the Good Night Killer striking again.

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