I made custom move for my campaign that takes place in the 1920’s and involves a speakeasy that caters to the magical lot in town (magic is not widely accepted or known among the “ungifted”).

We found that there was a lot of deception/distraction stuff that people wanted to do in place of just kicking ass or trying to manipulate someone. So this is kind of a hybrid move that overlaps a bit, and to that effect I’ve incorporated the “glitch” type mechanic from Use Magic – with consequences from other moves into a sort of Frankenstein move assembled from the parts of others.

My players have used it quite a few times since I made it and it feels right in practice, so I figured I’d share it.


Hoodwink Em!: This covers trying to do something that will influence a conversation or fight by hiding, lying, or misdirecting or attempting to Protect Someone, or Kick Some Ass without involving yourself in the fray; trying to get the monsters attention when you are far away from the harm; trying to tell the security guard that your FBI ID is totally real “dude”; trying to shoot that sword out of The General’s hand before he can finish his down-swing; or telling that barkeep that you will definitely consider giving them a raise when you certainly won’t.

When you Hoodwink Em! roll +Cool or +Charm (ask the Keeper):

• On a 10+ you do what you set out to.

• On a 7-9, you succeed, but choose an “uh-oh” from below, and the Keeper will determine what effect it has:

– You draw immediate unwanted attention;

– You expose yourself to extra danger;

– You gain a 1 forward;

An ally gains 1 forward;

Something or someone breaks down;

• On a miss, things go to hell.
