Hello, everyone!

Hello, everyone!

Hello, everyone!

I try something very ambitious. I’m mastering (online in Discord) a party of ¡8 (eight) superhero teens!




MUTATON (Transformed)

MULTIVAC (Newborn)

GASHA (Janus)

RIOT (Delinquent)

B-DAY (Reformed)

I guide them before the session zero in the process of character creation.

In the proper session i tell them a little more about the universe.

9 questions about their first encounter, relationships and influences, and GO!

Mostly half of them go to high school, so the scenary was a crash between the hordes of the NEMESIS of the Doomed (UNDERTAKER), and a VILLAIN FRIEND of the Reformed (BLACK ROSE), with the students running in panic.

Long story short. The session zero was that. Creation process and the resolution of the first clash ingame.

Every basic move was used and i think I could make it look like a comic.

Everyone was happy with their characters, and can’t wait for the drama in the next session (SESSION 1).

Next one is going to be the real test. Wish me luck and give me opinions about this crazyness of me. I can take it.

(Sorry for my english)

6 thoughts on “Hello, everyone!”

  1. 8 is going to be a lot of players to juggle, and players in PbrA games have a tendency to go off and do their own scenes, so make use of the GM Move “Bring them together” as much as you can to keep everyone involved and engaged.

    For added drama, take the NPCs that are connected to one PC and throw them at a different PC: for example, if the Janus’s mom is a cop, she would be the cop who shows up when the delinquent gets in trouble – that way no matter how that plays out, it is going to create some interesting drama for everyone.

    Good luck and keep us posted on how the game goes!

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