Howdy! I was wondering if there’s an errata for The Sprawl anywhere. That’s it. Thanks.
Howdy! I was wondering if there’s an errata for The Sprawl anywhere. That’s it. Thanks. 
Howdy! I was wondering if there’s an errata for The Sprawl anywhere. That’s it. Thanks.
Hm, I think most was in the playbooks and those have since been revised and re-released. But maybe someone else knows of other errata?
Oh, really? Nice! I remember one oddity with the hunter where an ability was changed. Grrr! I need my book. lol
And oh, snap! I just realized you’re the brilliance behind creepy cyberkittens!
Ahh! Thank you!!!! I’m so glad you think it’s creepy!
Of course it’s creepy, which is awesome.
<3 Best compliment
Dana Cameron, you know, I’m sure it would be well-received if one used their skills at creepiness to make some supernatural stuff for The Sprawl…
Ben Liepis Someone already has and you can expect something soon(ish). No promises, but probably by the end of October?
Dana Cameron, nope! Holding you to it!
Seriously, though, we’re itching for some cyberpunk goodness and will probably grab The Sprawl.