Here is a procedure I’m trying out to make it less gm fiat when the mission clock ticks;

Here is a procedure I’m trying out to make it less gm fiat when the mission clock ticks;

Here is a procedure I’m trying out to make it less gm fiat when the mission clock ticks;

Each mission has several tasks/obstacles that need doing/overcoming/bypassing. You get xp when you do that. When the last one is done the mission is complete. 

Across the whole life of the mission all 6- rolls tick the mission clock and trigger a hard move.

When dealing with an obstacle any 7-9 result ticks the mission clock once for that whole scene (even if multiple 7-9s are rolled, the clock is only ticked once).

So PCs know when the mission clock will tick.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

2 thoughts on “Here is a procedure I’m trying out to make it less gm fiat when the mission clock ticks;”

  1. Yeah it definitely seems like a lot more ticks on the clock. Because the idea of the Fiat is that the GM only moves it when the failure would appropriately move the clock.

    If your doing it every time, including any roll of a 7-9 it means both parts of missions will be much shorter.

    Your also making the conflicts of missions FAR harder because the moving the mission clock is a normal GM moving the clock and taking a hard move, is upping the difficulty a lot.

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