Hi folks. I’m starting up a new game of The Sprawl with friends. The PCs are: a murdery cyberninja Infiltrator, a murdery repoman Hunter, a cars-and-cyberware Tech, and a gang-and-crews Fixer.
The Infiltrator, Hunter, and Tech are easy to make missions for. However, I’m struggling to fit the Fixer into the scheme. She’s specc’d her character out to be a bit more “hands off” from the direct action, making her character more like a broker (Her hustles are Brokering Deals and Debt Collection, and she took Backup +loyal +mobile).
Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas how I can make sure her character doesn’t feel like just the “Quest Giver” ? Specifically, what kind of things can I throw at the Fixer during the Action Phase that would make her a bit more involved, even if she may not physically be at the mission site with the rest of the team?
Thanks everyone!
I like Fixers as “face” characters, so obstacles that need smooth-talking, deal-making, diverting attention, or things like that might make for good Fixer stuff. For not being at the physical location, I picture the “person in the van”…someone to watch the video feeds, monitor enemy comms, coordinate team efforts, run interference. I’m thinking of this movie Sneakers where in an early scene, an infiltration team knows they’re going to set off an alarm when they breach, so they hijack the phone line that the on-site security guard will use to call in the problem. The guy in the van is the one who answers the security guard’s phone call and convinces the on-site security not to worry about the alarm until the infiltrator team on the ground can disable the alarm from inside. But any of a number of action flicks that involve someone at a desk wearing a headset talking to someone with an earpiece in a firefight…I’d start pulling inspiration from that kinda thing.
I also think a remotely located Fixer could maybe be leaned on for Hacker-type activities…just skin the tech differently or something, or have them working humans instead of networks. 
I urged my crew’s Reporter to take Jack In. Once he did, he was “on” even the most dangerous missions.
Also, my group has a Reporter and Fixer and a Tech and Pusher. The latter two like going into danger a LOT more than the former two. So I run split party a lot.
Here’s my blog post on split party GMing. Frame two scenes with tension and stakes and have them pop off at the same time. Then cut back and forth frequently by watching for cues. See the article for advice on cues.
runagame.net – Do Split the Party
I’d set up a step of the mission that the Fixer is crucial for – either the acquisition of a specific piece of gear, a conversation with a difficult subject or some other activity that the character’s skill is specialized to handle.
I’d also consider throwing threats at the Fixer while they’re off on their own – if they rely on minions to gather gear/intel, have one of those minions be co-opted, kidnapped or otherwise used to gain threatening access to the Fixer. Put them in a tight spot!
Also, look at the party’s stats. Meat is for Mix it Up, but Edge is for Play Hardball. You can Play Hardball with some corpsec thugs just as easily as Mixing it Up with them. The Fixer’s Style makes them a good infiltrator, even without the playbook. They can Fast Talk really well. And the roll frame for the Fast Talk move is very powerful. The Fixer is really good on a typical Shadowrun B&E mission.