[Cross-posted from /r/pbta]
Hello friends! I’m looking for play-testers for my Western-themed PbtA game.
Lonesome World is:
– Powered by the Apocalypse
– A one-on-one game about the Old West
– Focused more on the history of late 19th century America rather than the mythology
– Designed to explore complex themes emerging from America’s complicated past
– Still in early development
To whet your appetite, here’s the playbook:
If you’re interested in doing a play test, get in touch through this form:
I’m especially interested in play-testing with people from marginalized communities.
I am intrigued.
Very much so! Would play by post be an option for this?
I’m going to do a shameless plug here, I did a playtest session with Dan and I really liked what I saw. Looking forward to this title.
Henry, I don’t know if Dan has the time for PbP while he’s developing it, but Lonesome World is intended to be played one on one with a GM. So, as a PbP game, it would be a very good fit because you would have a much faster turn around then you would with a larger group.
Todd Zircher Time, ironically, is why most of my gaming these days is play by post…finding time to write a para or three a week is duck soup. Finding a solid block of hours free of daddy patrol and other domesticities so that I can get on Roll20? Not so much.
would it work for a person not living in USA?
Good question, I’ll let Dan field that one since I don’t know how much of a ‘lore bomb’ he is planning in the back of the book.
I don’t know if the game is suited for non-USians, but time definitely isn’t European friendly. I mean – at 2:30am I can’t even speak properly in my native language.
Aleksandra Sontowska I really appreciate your interest! Since this is a labor of love and not, you know, income I have to constrain the play tests that I run. That said, I’ll be pushing the rules out within the week, and would welcome others running their own sessions.
By the way, one of my favorite recent Western movies (Slow West) was created entirely by non-US people. So, yes, I’m hopeful it’s appealing to those outside the US.
imdb.com – Slow West (2015) – IMDb
I would love to playtest this, depending on the when, where and how!
Liam Downs Thanks for your interest! Feel free to download the rules summary (see next post). If you want to do a session with me, get in touch through this form:
docs.google.com – Lonesome World Play Test Sign-up
Fair warning: due to other commitments, my play tests are in the evenings Eastern US time.