I was wondering how other people go about writing or coming up with arcs.

I was wondering how other people go about writing or coming up with arcs.

I was wondering how other people go about writing or coming up with arcs. I have some ideas for the kind of story I want to tell but am having a hard time figuring out how it will all work without planning things out to carefully.

4 thoughts on “I was wondering how other people go about writing or coming up with arcs.”

  1. I usually just figure out what the villain at the heart of my side of the story is planning (or group, corporation, etc.) and have it in motion. Then I just play to see what changes and modify things based on what happens in the sessions. This can result in some arcs getting resolved fast while others take their time, but it has worked for me so far.

    I also find it extremely helpful to check in on my players, ask about the direction they see their characters going, or even just how they feel about the stories they are dealing with. Are things moving too fast, too slow, are they getting enough slice of life vs. super heroics, etc. This can help you adjust your game as you go.

  2. Also, even though they play very differently, Apocalypse World and Dungeon World methods can be really helpful as resources for prepping Masks games. Just make sure you don’t rely on them to the exclusion of Masks stuff. I mostly find their handling of threat motivations to be great organizational tools.

  3. My traditional game prep for supers campaign is to have four or five super villains and I give each of them their own time table (clocks.) So, if the players spend a few sessions thwarting Villain A, then B, C, and D commit crimes and advance their goals. That info trickles back to the players in various channels such as new reports, police band chatter, impacts to their friends and family. It’s a simple strategy that helps to give the world a more living aspect as events take place even if the players do nothing but bicker among themselves.

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