After purchasing my copy of Masks Unbound and taking a look at the playbooks, something struck me about the Nomad.

After purchasing my copy of Masks Unbound and taking a look at the playbooks, something struck me about the Nomad.

After purchasing my copy of Masks Unbound and taking a look at the playbooks, something struck me about the Nomad. Their “Putting Down Roots” feature might make for the basis of another good feature for a custom playbook. I’m thinking along the lines of the Empowered character Thug Boy again, but moreso of a superheroic variant of McCauley from Heat.

A hero whose inner struggle involves them being on the run from someone or something that will be their end if caught, and has to make a decision by the end to either stand and fight or skip town once again the moment they feel the heat around the corner.

I’m still struggling with a name for this feature, and a proper name for the playbook… the Runaway, maybe? Fugitive?

6 thoughts on “After purchasing my copy of Masks Unbound and taking a look at the playbooks, something struck me about the Nomad.”

  1. Leah Libresco Indeed. So does the Doomed, with the Nemesis and Doom Track. I’m still of the mind that a custom playbook would suit the concept best.

  2. That’s what I’m currently trying to figure out. The danger isn’t only from the pursuing force, but also what the Runaway did to draw that ire–as well as what the team will think of them should they find out.

  3. Brian Lagoda Oh yeah, Red Dawn/V with supers is good for that. I’m just talking about a single character–as well as a variety of things to run from. Be they a villain they slighted, an organization they betrayed, an established hero they discredited, and so on. Hence why the mechanic would also account for what could happen if the team or anyone else found out.

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