Hi, Masters of Masks
Do you have a Master Screen for Masks? How do you organize? What stuff did you put in it?
I’m mastering a party of 6 (before was 7) and I print the principles, gm moves, every playbook for marking their moves and help them with that, hooks, villains, DM Sheet, Moves, NPCs and Corporations…
And even I have an excel with the flux of influences.
That’s a lot!
Off course that when I become better master I need less… But that’s the way it is.
Maybe an official Master Screen of Masks would be amazing.
Glad to see your opinions and setups!
Not a screen per se. I do have all the GM sheets printed out and laminated (so I can fill in the blanks on the worksheets with AV markers). I also have an influence matrix that I also regularly re-print and write on during the game, plus any NPCs I have written up (with moves and conditions).
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E-VlPqdMrffkPq3VSSM_HnjkVK3-EhJi/view?usp=drivesdk this can be helpfull
drive.google.com – Condividi ‘Masks-Basic-Moves.pdf’
AD Kohler Sheets laminated is a great idea. Thanks!
Kalu Deliko Already have it printed… But I don’t like it very much. I prefer everything separated in their papers. I don’t need the questions for the first session after the actual first session. He.
I agree
Hey, I had exactly that same problem so I did some work cutting and pasting of the “GM Reference Sheet” and the “Basic Moves” sheet to create an 8 page GM Playbook that includes a list of all the items that I could possibly want (and a paragraph liberally borrowed from the Podcast: “Nerds on a Roll” – you should listen to it, it’s great – that I read at the start of each session to remind the players what style of game we are playing as we only get one game in every couple of months). Now I just have these 2 Letter size pages folded in half with me all the time and I can reference just about anything I need without needing to hide behind a screen. I think this works better than a screen because the whole idea is creative storytelling, and not an adversarial GM vs Players system… and I can still use this even lounging on the couch with the players in other comfy chairs. Hopefully it is helpful to you – I’ll share on my google drive for a couple of weeks.
David Bent OMG, men. This is amazing. Thank you so much. Great work. I search the podcast right now.
Again… Thank you, David!
Glad I could help. Ask me sometime about my Influence Sheet + post-it note Playbook solution for dealing with influence peddling.
David Bent I have a one page sheet with the hero and the 2 npc who orbit around them. You think I need something more?
Oh, that’s a good idea for the GM. But what I was talking about was an additional sheet for the players to keep and use to track who they have influence over. I’ll write up a little blurb tomorrow and throw it up with a description of how my players use it.
Oh. I have a excel sheet in Google Drive with something like this
For example. Editable for them.
But that works for us because we are playing on Discord.
I tried to do something like that – and for online gaming that would work well – however for face to face gaming I didn’t find that worked too well as you had to print out the sheet every game and people had to cross out and re-write who they had influence over. Instead I did… well, wait up, why don’t I just make a whole post of that myself (look for my posts above, I’ll be making three – 1 for influence pedalling, 1 for your item no GM screens, and then 1 for a discussion on how my group handles the spotlight.
David Bent Ossom