Hi, Masters of Masks

Hi, Masters of Masks

Hi, Masters of Masks

Do you have a Master Screen for Masks? How do you organize? What stuff did you put in it?

I’m mastering a party of 6 (before was 7) and I print the principles, gm moves, every playbook for marking their moves and help them with that, hooks, villains, DM Sheet, Moves, NPCs and Corporations…

And even I have an excel with the flux of influences.

That’s a lot!

Off course that when I become better master I need less… But that’s the way it is.

Maybe an official Master Screen of Masks would be amazing.

Glad to see your opinions and setups!

12 thoughts on “Hi, Masters of Masks”

  1. Not a screen per se. I do have all the GM sheets printed out and laminated (so I can fill in the blanks on the worksheets with AV markers). I also have an influence matrix that I also regularly re-print and write on during the game, plus any NPCs I have written up (with moves and conditions).

  2. AD Kohler Sheets laminated is a great idea. Thanks!

    Kalu Deliko Already have it printed… But I don’t like it very much. I prefer everything separated in their papers. I don’t need the questions for the first session after the actual first session. He.

  3. Hey, I had exactly that same problem so I did some work cutting and pasting of the “GM Reference Sheet” and the “Basic Moves” sheet to create an 8 page GM Playbook that includes a list of all the items that I could possibly want (and a paragraph liberally borrowed from the Podcast: “Nerds on a Roll” – you should listen to it, it’s great – that I read at the start of each session to remind the players what style of game we are playing as we only get one game in every couple of months). Now I just have these 2 Letter size pages folded in half with me all the time and I can reference just about anything I need without needing to hide behind a screen. I think this works better than a screen because the whole idea is creative storytelling, and not an adversarial GM vs Players system… and I can still use this even lounging on the couch with the players in other comfy chairs. Hopefully it is helpful to you – I’ll share on my google drive for a couple of weeks.


  4. Oh, that’s a good idea for the GM. But what I was talking about was an additional sheet for the players to keep and use to track who they have influence over. I’ll write up a little blurb tomorrow and throw it up with a description of how my players use it.

  5. Oh. I have a excel sheet in Google Drive with something like this





    For example. Editable for them.

    But that works for us because we are playing on Discord.

  6. I tried to do something like that – and for online gaming that would work well – however for face to face gaming I didn’t find that worked too well as you had to print out the sheet every game and people had to cross out and re-write who they had influence over. Instead I did… well, wait up, why don’t I just make a whole post of that myself (look for my posts above, I’ll be making three – 1 for influence pedalling, 1 for your item no GM screens, and then 1 for a discussion on how my group handles the spotlight.

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