Hello, folks!

Hello, folks!

Hello, folks! I need your help with a custom move for my first and new Urban Shadows campaign. We’re playing in our own city, Belo Horizonte (Brazil), and it’s going very well… But, in order to represent vampire blood as a drug at our game, I’ve created the following move:

False Vamp

When you consume vampire blood, roll with Spirit. On a hit, heal as much harm as the MC tells you. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2 and mark corruption.

– You don’t get addicted

– Expend your senses as a vampire would

– Gain +1 Blood until the effect’s gone (MC’s call)

– You don’t get too horny

– You can be traced by the vampire who owns that blood

On a miss, shit happens. You get addicted and mark corruption.

Vampires can’t trigger this move.

Well… I’d like to know what you think about it. Suggestions? Opinions? Thank you so much.

8 thoughts on “Hello, folks!”

  1. I’d make it to corruption is always a choice. I also don’t love a plus one to blood. That’s not so fun.


    On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2. On a 6-, choose 1:

    – You don’t have to mark corruption.

    – You don’t get addicted

    – Expend your senses as a vampire would

    – You gain superhuman vampire physical capabilities for the scene.

    – You don’t get too horny

    – You can be traced by the vampire who owns that blood

  2. William Nichols, I’d still like to mantain the healing stuff. That’s because our group stablished vampire blood would be two thing: a) a healing substance; and b) a drug like cocain. I thought this healing stuff can be triggered just by the cosume of blood as the roll with Spirit. Something like that:

    False Vamp

    When yoy consume vampire blood, heal as much harm as the MC tells you and roll with Spirit.

    I thought “as much as the MC tells you” cause I guess older vampire blood is more powerfull.

    What do you think?

  3. Matheus Correa I don’t mind the healing, but I agree that +1Blood is out of the common rules for bonuses. It could be +1 forward, +1ongoing, +1 to X move, +1 to seduce, +1 to physical endevours or whatever else.

  4. I love your move, and think the version you originally wrote is the best way to do it–in my experience, mucking about with choice-moves to improve their flexibility can backfire because complexity can obscure usefulness and intention of a move.

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