So, I’m starting a new group of players with MotW.

So, I’m starting a new group of players with MotW.

So, I’m starting a new group of players with MotW. We are planning on doing a longer term campaign and I’ve Dmed MotW quite a few times already for a group of experienced RPG players.

I’ve run into an issue with newer players that didn’t come up in my old group. How much world building do you roll with from the players? I want them to. Be invested in the world so I obviously want them doing some of the world building and lore stuff. But I have one player who essentially just took a character from Supernatural and inserted them into our campaign/world. And when I say inserted I mean, their backstory literally involves the Winchester and their main antagonist is a primary antagonist from the show and that the battle between angels and demons and other angels is going down.

That wasn’t necessarily what I was hoping for, but is it a huge problem? Do I try and roll with it or do I make it clear – this isn’t that world, but there are similarities?

Should I do anything about it and if so, what?

2 thoughts on “So, I’m starting a new group of players with MotW.”

  1. I would generally try to roll with, but feel free to add feedback as well. Something like: “This is an alternate Supernatural dimension/universe. Some things from the series are true but other things are different. The Winchesters were killed several years ago. Angels seem to be evil and trying to end the world. Demons are trying to stop this because Lucifer wants more souls…God will not let either manifest directly on Earth.” Or maybe the secret backstory is that everything is a TV series run by aliens for ratings on Gloop-glop Prime.

  2. The TV series as conspiracy red herring to fool the general public is brilliant 😉

    I’d add : try to ask the whole table if they’re ok with what is being set up, because some things could interfere with their own plans/needs/desires

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