I think it could be a great AW campaign. Apocalypse World without… you know… the Apocalypse.

I think it could be a great AW campaign. Apocalypse World without… you know… the Apocalypse.

I think it could be a great AW campaign. Apocalypse World without… you know… the Apocalypse.

PCs are use AW playbooks and threats are modern world.


3 thoughts on “I think it could be a great AW campaign. Apocalypse World without… you know… the Apocalypse.”

  1. scale of apocalyptic event?


    Scope: Local Area (small rural county)

    Severity: Societal Disruption (inter-clan feud on territory outside of federal or state jurisdiction)


    also; I am rather partial to the semantic origin for the term ‘apocalypse’ as translated literally from Greek;- an uncovering, a disclosure of knowledge, a lifting of the veil, or a revelation

    This trauma-drama of escalating unfortunate events, may be small in scope… and… premised in obscure (centered around a minority culture, legislative custom, and social politic, easily veiled to standard grade social studies students) aesthetics:- yet, it does fit labeling as an Apocalypse theme.

    (as a tv-dinner, it might be more like; a Lonely World:Day Zero & Dogs In The Vineyard sandwich with a side order of Urban Shadows, a small ignorable sprig of Monster Hearts garnish, and a dash of Apocalypse World for dipping sauce)

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