My job keeps me busy, not like, “phew, what a day busy”, like, “I’m going to which continent now?” busy.
But I have eight days. So I ask you, who wants me to make a campaign setting for Apocalypse World 2 about hunting giant monsters?
If I get enough interest, I’m on it.
I could definitely make use of some of it in my current Fallen Empires game
I have a fair bit of it squirrelled away. I runs on pure AW2, with just a few extra moves, its just a matter of, “Do I make this radioactive mess readable to the general public?”
Yes. My FE game is about vengeance on demonic hordes, and I’d love ways to run the big-bad mega demons other than “fights as a large gang”.
Yes please!
Hm! Thank you both so far.
Aaron Griffin Yeah, I have rules for that, they’re kinda antagonists, kinda landscapes unto themselves.
That should self evidently be a thing.
Hell yeah.
Haha fine! I’m burning through it as we speak. It’ll be a short, which actually might not be a bad thing! You’re all clever and imaginative enough to fill in any gaps and expand what you do get.
Damn it! Getting called back to work earlier than expected, so I’ll have to drop this, again, but I will be back!
The short version of fighting a giant monster, use the road war moves! Climb on it! It only takes genuine damage when you hit a weak spot, so you can have a huge beast with only 4 harm- you’ve just got to stab it’s four eyes out!