Based on Ghost Lines by +John Harper and the Matrix Trilogy I offer you The Veil.

Based on Ghost Lines by +John Harper and the Matrix Trilogy I offer you The Veil.

Based on Ghost Lines by +John Harper and the Matrix Trilogy I offer you The Veil.

“The Veil is all around you. It is in the air you breathe, the water you drink, the partner you fuck. From the moment you are born you are trapped in the Veil. There is only one way to escape the Veil and death is not it. Even in death the Veil holds you, like a fly in amber.

I know the way out. I have been that way before. I am here, a moth on the fabric of the Veil, to show you the way out. Is that what you want? Once you are outside the Veil you can never be a part of it again. Are you willing to give up everything you are to know the truth?”

10 thoughts on “Based on Ghost Lines by +John Harper and the Matrix Trilogy I offer you The Veil.”

  1. Might consider a range of -2 to +3.

    Use Brute Force, and Control the Veil are quite easy to understand… I am not sure what …Gain the Con. means but it looks like Scan the Status, and Finesse has no simple statement, perhaps Manoeuvre With Style?

    I don’t know Ghost Lines, but now I know I need to… without this context I don’t feel like I can offer much more than, wow!

    Looks good, I just need to Play or find an AP to gain better comprehension.

  2. Gaining the con is a hold over from, I think, Dark Tower. It was used as Roland crests a hill and scans the surroundings, gaining the con from that vantage. The phrase stuck with me.

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