If you have yet to try out gaming online or gotten to play Apocalypse World.

If you have yet to try out gaming online or gotten to play Apocalypse World.

If you have yet to try out gaming online or gotten to play Apocalypse World. I would like to personally invite you to come on out and join us tonight.

Everyone is welcome and a good time should be had by all.

Originally shared by Jonathan Henry

In the dark grim future after the Apocalypse everyday is Tuesday.

Tonight i would like to run an other demo of Apocalypse World for the goodly people of internetlandia. If you have never played the game before, no problem. If you have never played online before, no problem.

This will be a good introduction to the game system and the Google Hangout system for all of you who have yet to try either.

All you will need is a Webcam or a Microphone and the willingness to play a very fun game with some very fun people.

I’ll see you tonight!
