Hey everyone!

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone! I don’t know why it took me so long to look for a Tabletop community on Google+ but I’m here now, and hopefully this will turn up results! 🙂

Hi! My name is Peter, and I’m a brand new face to the realm of tabletops. I’ve been a gamer for 27 years, yet for some reason, I have never gotten into tabletops. That was before I was introduced to a guy who does them online, and it looks phenomenal. It sold me to give it a go. I bought two games: Apocalypse World and Dungeon World (both links for them are below), and I’m looking for people who want to play!

There is a small catch — I’m a brand new streamer on Twitch, and I want to do the sessions live! So, it would be grand if you had access to a webcam, a mic, and a stable internet connection. To offset this, I can tell you that the resources you’ll need to play the games are absolutely free. 🙂 We will use Roll20 to take care of our dice rolls and GM stuff, and it could be a ton of fun.

As it relates to scheduling, I’m willing to work with the group to try and secure a rough day/time, and of course, we can be flexible, but I’m thinking that four to six weeks playing once a week would shape up to be a really bad ass campaign time. Again, nothing is set in stone; right now I just want to play!

If this sounds like fun to you, check out the links to see some of the game resources and examples of what a session like this would look like. I hope to hear from you all soon. If there are ANY questions whatsoever, please reach out to me. I’ll be happy to answer anything I can.

My best,


AW: www.apocalypse-world.com

DW: www.dungeon-world.com

Example: RollPlay R&D – Introduction and Character Creation

My Twitch: www.twitch.tv/peterthomas6


17 thoughts on “Hey everyone!”

  1. Hi Peter, welcome to tabletop gaming! I hope you find some players ready to take you up on that offer. Have you had a chance to play either game in person?

  2. Ooh, I’d be very interested, though odds aren’t very good that it’ll work with my schedule. 😛 But who knows?

  3. Hi everyone! Trying to respond to everyone:

    Vinney Cavallo Should you find yourself interested enough, let me know!

    Meguey Baker Thank you! I recognize your name… did you ship my books to me?! 😀 I have not. The reason I’m looking ffor an online endeavor is that I’m literally the ONLY person I know in a 20 mile radius that enjoys this stuff. I’m the nerd/gamer/techie of all of my circles. 🙂

    Dani L. You never know! I have tentatively thought some weekend day for a few hours would be the easiest for most people, and the times can vary the most those days. Obviously though, we’d have to see about the group at large.

    Tim Franzke Hello! 😀

    Shepard Partridge Oh, that’s excellent! I would certainly enjoy having you. Do you have a preferred method of how we should get in touch? I’m open to any means, and we can hammer down some details.

  4. Vinney Cavallo Shepard Partridge Dani L. You guys are getting me all excited now! I assume that the game y’all would be interested in is AW, yes? I also realized that the link I posted with the example of what something like this looks like did not work properly, so I am reposting here: RollPlay R&D – Introduction and Character Creation

    That was their session of AW, and what got me hooked. I bought my book within the first few sessions, and continued to watch the campaign until it’s completion. They then went on to play DW (which I also bought), Pendragon, and are currently going through a game called Numanera, which also looks pretty sweet.

    For reference, I am also US EST/EDT. Does Saturdays work best for the most part? Or would Sunday be an easier day? Again, we can play each session by ear, but it’ll help to get a general idea. It seems like a few hours (2-4) is usually the best amount of time to get a decent amount of game time in, with breaks in between and what have you. Again, for the first campaign, it’ll be shorter than most. I have seen some tabletop games go on for several months, but until I get a feel for what I’m doing, I think this one will be fairly short in comparison.

    Meguey Baker Ah, see that? Old ticker’s still firing on all cylinders. 😀 That’s awesome. Thank you guys for such awesome games. I’m really excited to play, and am looking forward to my first session! … hopefully soon!

  5. Peter Thomas, so much yes! 😀 I could do Saturday depending on the time, biweekly would work better. Keep me informed!

  6. Vinney Cavallo Shepard Partridge Dani L. Would you guys be comfortable setting an arbitrary date to July 12th for right now? Maybe we can all jump on a Skype call together and talk more details in person earlier than that, but maybe do a few hours in the afternoon/evening (I’m not a morning person by any stretch), which would cover character creation, and maybe the start of the adventure.

    I’m going to start pouring over the source materials again and see what I can come up with in terms of more scenarios and such. I’ve got some loose ideas in my head, but definitely want to be sure I am as prepared as I can be. 🙂

  7. Peter Thomas  — I will say the 12th is going to work for me. Will be out of town the 19th, and after the 26th, I’d need to switch to alternate Saturdays. We could hash out schedules more fully when the time comes. 🙂 

  8. ( It’s cool by me if you work out times and dates in this thread, but a goggle calendar might be simpler. That way everyone can log the times they are booked, and you can all see clearly what times and dates will work out.)

  9. Meguey Baker A grand idea. 🙂 Thank you!

    Dani L. Vinney Cavallo Shepard Partridge I’ve created a calendar. I will attempt to add you all in, or to make it easier, just let me know what your Gmails are. 🙂

    EDIT Confirmed; I can only invite via email so when you have a chance, send my way. I’ve already put up two calendar events; one for the preliminary call on this upcoming Sunday (basically to go over the players, how this will work, tools being used, timing, etc.) and another that Saturday that we discussed as an arbitrary start date.

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