
Assign the following to your stats, in any order: +1, +1, 0, -1


Based on your Jurisdiction. See below.


Choose one:

Idealist: You took this job to make a difference. Once per session, gain 1 xp when you take action based on high minded ideals on the way things should be, rather than the way they are.

Nervous: This job was expected of you, and you’re not sure you’re up to the task. Once per session, gain 1 xp when your failure to take action results in failure.

Upstart: You’ll show them that you’ve got what it takes! Once per session, gain 1 xp when you rush into a dangerous situation before you have a plan or all the facts.


You are another player’s rookie partner. Choose a playbook that another player is using; you get the Jurisdictional moves for that playbook, and your Lifestyle is the same as that playbook.

You suffer -1 to your rolls when using a Jurisdictional move from that playbook.

Additionally, you get this Jurisdictional move:

On the Job Training:

Your first six advances, rather than just your first two, each require only 5 xp instead of 10 xp.

Starting Moves

Pick one move from your other Playbook, and one from the following list. You may not start with moves from your other Playbook that increase your stats, but may gain them during play.

Rookie Moves

Beginner’s Luck

When you roll an 11 or 12 on the dice, before any modifiers, you action is extra successful. The GM will give you a better option, a fringe benefit, or increased potency.

Getting the Hang of This

You no longer take -1 to using your Jurisdictional moves.

Helping Hand

When you try to help someone who’s rolling, roll +Savvy. On a 7-9, add +1 to their roll. On a 10+, add +2. On any result, you expose yourself to any consequences of their action, and on a fail, your failure effects them too, somehow.

Rising Star

At the end of each Case, choose an additional character who helped you with that case. You gain +1 History with them, and they gain +1 History with you.


Gain +1 to any stat (Maximum +2)


Gain two Personal contacts, one of whom is directly connected to this line of work, two Civilian contacts, and a Professional contact related to your career field.