Would anyone be able to point me to some good MotW Actual Plays? Writeups, recorded hangouts, podcasts, etc.
I’m hoping to run MotW for Chicago Gameday 42 and am doing research. Thanks in advance!
Would anyone be able to point me to some good MotW Actual Plays? Writeups, recorded hangouts, podcasts, etc.
Would anyone be able to point me to some good MotW Actual Plays? Writeups, recorded hangouts, podcasts, etc.
I’m hoping to run MotW for Chicago Gameday 42 and am doing research. Thanks in advance!
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There’s a few at http://www.genericgames.co.nz/motw/#actual-play-reports
A few streams on youtube, as well: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=monster+of+the+week+rpg
If you are willing to read, we have some awesome Play-By-Forums threads on rpggeek, finished as well as ongoing.
Jank Cast has one. http://jankcast.com/archives/2046
I found this one as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBWoGqE-xpQ&list=PL2SeriokGq2orKoSBjbLWAv1rNPNmhJ45&spfreload=10
After next week, I hope to have two up for viewing.
Hopefully I get a few participants in my two MotW one-shots I’m running next week.
Just spotted this one from Fred Hicks: http://www.deadlyfredly.com/2014/06/the-hungry-session-1/
Well, I’ve scrapped most of my events this week, still willing to run one if I can get 2-6 players.
Basically just send me a mail or mention me…either makes my phone buzz so I’ll notice it…and if we have 2+ players I’ll run and livestream the prepared scenario I had