Hey All

Hey All

Hey All,

I posted a while ago asking for some missions suggestions and received some awesome resources.

My question now is:

How much mission information do you usually give out during get the job? Do you elaborate on what the location of the job is like or do you let that formulate during the legwork portion?

for example if a mission is to infiltrate a warehouse should I give detail information on the job or leave that to the players legwork?

I seem to run into the issue of my players being unsure how to go about their legwork. They are very action driven and we’ve got a bit of a deficit here.

Any advice is greatly appreciated

6 thoughts on “Hey All”

  1. I start with very limited information, and if they seem lost I use a few soft moves to push them towards the narrative and encourage them where to start.

    If they still seem stuck I give them options, “You need to get started. You could check out the docks, you could check with some bars and see what you know about the docks, or perhaps talk to your contacts. What do you guys do?”

  2. I generally give vague information in the meet (“it’s a warehouse in X part of town”) and then give a lot more when they do legwork, but if your group are action oriented and want to kick down the door immediately, you could give them lots of detailed info at the meet. It’s flexible.

  3. Using soft moves (having time before the mission go by) to encourage the story went really well! I left the mission details vague. my players of course did very little legwork and went in guns a blazing.

    Their assassination attempt was almost foiled by a barrier protecting the speaker they were after. They quickly regretted their lack of legwork and decided as a team how to be more effective.

    it ended up framing a really cool downtime scene that lead smoothly into links after the mission.

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