Hey, have a question about the hunter move: On The Trail.

Hey, have a question about the hunter move: On The Trail.

Hey, have a question about the hunter move: On The Trail.

On the Trail: When you want to find someone or something, name your target.

When you gain [intel], you may note that it concerns your target. When you

spend three such [intel], the MC will describe where your target is; you say

how the clues led you to that knowledge and how you have your target or its

defenses at a disadvantage.

My question is how does the move look when utilized in your game and “note that it concerns your target”

Does this mean the player discribes fictionally how their research lead to this clue or is it possible to gather research or “farm intel” (as my players call it)

I had a player who began farming intel by researching “who owns the corner store” “where would i find my teammates hide out” ect ect. the intel gathered was then spent to track their target a group who had barricaded themselves inside an arcology. I allowed him to use the move and the intel but only gave him the building and the exterior defenses (since no one on the team researched the building or had ever stepped foot inside nor did they know who was leading this group). He seemed adamant the move should have revealed all their defenses and any leaders since he was tracking the group.

im looking for clarity on if i made the right call here any assistance would be appreciated.

Hey everyone

Hey everyone

Hey everyone,

here with another question, how much liberty do you give players when creating a custom item? I have a player who is wanting to create a custom vehicle. He is willing to spend the 8 cred and hit the streets.

the specs:

frame: hover craft/car

design: military

profile: Power+2, Looks+1, Weakness+2; 2-Armour

Strength: Fast & stealthy (active camo against visual and electronic surveillance)

Look: Dangerous (Im taking this as the +armed tag)

Weakness: cramped & guzzler

along with this he would like it to posses:

noise suppression system

gyroscopic mount for weapons

auto cannon

and omni directional firing.

He paying for a custom vehicle but i feel like this vehicle is a bit much with a lot of potential for fictional positioning but im not sure how to deal with it. someone please send your advice my way

Here with another question on how other GM’s handle a situation:

Here with another question on how other GM’s handle a situation:

Here with another question on how other GM’s handle a situation:

How do you address a player successfully mixing it up against an enemy with armor greater than their weapon damage ie pistol (2harm) vs military armor (3armour)

In this particular situation the objective was “to subdue or best the enemy team”

Hey everyone

Hey everyone

Hey everyone,

I’m looking to find ways to get the tech and Hunter more involved. They’re help with legwork but not with action. they tend to let the infiltrator and killer handle the action phase. I’ve asked them of they’d like to be more involved but respond they’re don’t know what to do. I offer them to grab their guns and follow the killer they decline.

My question is how do I get them more involved so they become crucial. Ive been creating missions where the team needs a specific piece of gear and it’s fragile meaning the tech needs to be nearby to repair it but I’m still struggling with the hunter.

Hey all, currently looking for one more player for an online Sprawl campaign.

Hey all, currently looking for one more player for an online Sprawl campaign.

Hey all, currently looking for one more player for an online Sprawl campaign. It will be done using roll20 and Skype. The run time is: Mondays 6pm EST. We have 2/3 player slots filled and looking to begin session zero once we have a third.

Thank you!

Hello everyone

Hello everyone

Hello everyone,

I feel like I’m constantly here with questions but I have another one.

My Game run weekly and we are going into our sixth session. I’m running into the issue of my players meta gaming to “avoid bad outcomes” (I’ll elaborate)

The first instance was players with +owned wanting to get cybernetics for free and without any negative tag because: “I work for them they should want to suit me up”

I responded to this saying that: being +owned isn’t a benefit it means that your a disposable asset. Why would they waste money on you when another (insert playbook) will pop up eventually”

This session the collateral damage from one player using a nanofilament whip (should have) killed another player. The two players who (are trying to farm exp using the violent directive) felt the whips area damage shouldn’t have full affect on the other player because: “she would have gotten me on her back swing and it wasn’t intentional so I shouldn’t take the full hit”

This moment ended up bringing our game to a bit of a halt. I decided I would leave the decision up to my players whether we would continue to use harm as stats dictates (armor, harm, and other tags) or by fiction (getting shot in the head is an instant kill being near an explosion is an instant kill)

the players votes they prefer that fiction determines harm and damage rather than stats. I as the DM feel this puts them in a situation to be untouchable. I can describe attacks NPC’S make and they typically ask to roll cool to avoid attacks. my NPC’S have no way of avoiding their mix it up which is some time things like “I want to run down stairs and kill the guards so we can move forward.” on a successful mix it up the players will describe how they easily tear apart these hardened professionals with ease.

TL;TR: My players are attempting to meta game to avoid negative outcomes. They are all really attached to their characters and of course don’t want them to die. They use cool to avoid attacks from NPC’S then use mix it up to quickly conclude a charge situation “I want to kill the guards defending this room” “i want to gun down the security detail following us”

My players love action and combat but are making combat one sided for themselves please help.

Hey Everyone

Hey Everyone

Hey Everyone,

I have another question for you. This time it is in regards to player negotiating specific prices from NPC’s.

I had a player who wanted to fast talk his employees into paying each mission participant six cred (as if they had all ante three cred)

The player rolled successful and we roleplayed the employees agreeing to “pay well”

I was hoping someone could share how they deal with these types of situations.

Thank you in advance