From my file of “random stuff to write about in Carta Galaxia”: Popular galactic music styles.

From my file of “random stuff to write about in Carta Galaxia”: Popular galactic music styles.

From my file of “random stuff to write about in Carta Galaxia”: Popular galactic music styles. It’ll just be a short mention, because I’m not too savvy as far as music goes. But I’m thinking something along the lines of “Galactic News Inserts”, like a news ticker. “Anthrovox music made a big comeback in popularity across the Marchessa cluster and the stations of the Cascade thanks the the combination beat-boxing/throat-singing of the Cascade’s own Ultine Kova. While most people find the un-electronic “natural” human voices of anthrovox to be quaint or strange, Ultine’s new single proved catchy enough to make consumers take a second look.”

Wish I knew more about music-theory, though. Feels like I’m going to make a bunch of silly mistakes or just miss an obvious extrapolation.

6 thoughts on “From my file of “random stuff to write about in Carta Galaxia”: Popular galactic music styles.”

  1. The words used to label music usually have little or nothing to do with anything technical, you can just put a bunch of random words on a table and let people roll up their own new styles. Also, popular music magazines never change, just the names of the bands do, so you can buy one (any one) and crib it for talking points.

  2. I love this stuff! And honestly, it’s the lack of total explanation that really lights it up. There are really cool things that help inspire those of us that don’t think as creatively as you.

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