Architecture is the body of the city.

Architecture is the body of the city.

Architecture is the body of the city. Crime is one of the many organisms that makes up the body. Werewolves are also an organism.

Originally shared by Adam “Bison Court” D

Oh my. I must have it.

I feel like this essay could have been republished in its entirety in the US rules, if it had come out a year ago.

I feel like this essay could have been republished in its entirety in the US rules, if it had come out a year ago.

I feel like this essay could have been republished in its entirety in the US rules, if it had come out a year ago.

Page 100: the Pusher move is referred to as One Million Points of Light; page 101: the same move (I think) is called…

Page 100: the Pusher move is referred to as One Million Points of Light; page 101: the same move (I think) is called…

Page 100: the Pusher move is referred to as One Million Points of Light; page 101: the same move (I think) is called One Thousand Points of Light.

Outside Iceland, but maybe still some information of value.

Outside Iceland, but maybe still some information of value.

Outside Iceland, but maybe still some information of value.