Please, explain clocks to me!

Please, explain clocks to me!

Please, explain clocks to me!

I run the game right now and hopefully it goes beyond 4th session (before that I runmostly one-shots). I found out that I have trouble inventing clocks, by that I mean what should happen (If players don’t interfere). Could you give me some examples and maybe procedures why did you make them like this?

#WarhammerWorld – help needed!

#WarhammerWorld – help needed!

#WarhammerWorld – help needed!

We wanted to make social class as a stat, and roll+social gap. But that would mean that bribing or manipulating a person of the same social class is at+0.

But! Basic move on our hack is:

When you bribe or manipulate someone, compare your and their social class and roll+socialgap.You may spend 1karl-franz 1for1 to add+1 to your roll (max 3).

On 10+ they ask for a promise, and do what you want if you accept to do it. Whether you do it or not is up to you later (and the consequences too).

On 7-9 they choose one:

·         give them 1 extra karl-franz

·         you owe them

·         they ask you for a promise. assure them you’ll do it – now.

On a miss – you’re caught red handed.

[1 karl-franz is food and sleep for a week or a basic bribe or normal gear, or a knife].

So basically, when you’re a thief (social class-1) and you want to convince the townguards person (social class=0), you basically roll at -1 (+1 for every karl-franz spent).

I want the people in the grim Warhammer World to be corrupt and easy to bribe. (Not sure if it’s working now). Any ideas?

Trivia fact: Do you know it is possible to have sex in Apocalypse World in at least 65 combinations?

Trivia fact: Do you know it is possible to have sex in Apocalypse World in at least 65 combinations?

Trivia fact: Do you know it is possible to have sex in Apocalypse World in at least 65 combinations? (without LE playbooks)

““Whackoff grabs you from behind to pull you off of him, but Plover jumps on her.” (I hadn’t mentioned before that…

““Whackoff grabs you from behind to pull you off of him, but Plover jumps on her.” (I hadn’t mentioned before that…

““Whackoff grabs you from behind to pull you off of him, but Plover jumps on her.” (I hadn’t mentioned before that Whackoff’s a woman, but she has been all along in my head. Ha ha, gotcha.)”

In polish all nouns are gendered.  Vincent Baker your jokes are not funny now 🙁