Hey everybody!

Hey everybody!

Hey everybody!

So I’m getting ready to run a sci-fi, space game for a few people online. And I really wanted to find or create some aliens for it. In case they run into them. Or in case of Mass Effect style, they are surrounded by them.

I’ve done a little searching online but haven’t come up with anything yet.

I would be really appreciative for any assistance.

You guys are usually really helpful with these kinds of things.

Good adventuring 😀

Quick Edit: I found Dungeon Planet on DriveThruRPG. So anything more would be fantastic.

So I just ran my first session of the final version with some friends last night.

So I just ran my first session of the final version with some friends last night.

So I just ran my first session of the final version with some friends last night. It was really cool, and I love how the very core aspects of each archetype has really become just that. It isn’t a move anymore necessarily, just naturally part of them. We had an 18th Century Spectre, a young (24) werewolf alpha (the Spectre’s grand-daughter), an Energy Vampire with a live, let live attitude (first timer), and a 22 horticulturist mage just recently sent to town by his family for solitary learning. It was a slow start since we didn’t even get started until like 10:30 but turned into lots of fun and chaos. Though only issue I had was running into the issue of trying to have them uncover things without “Keep An Eye Out”. I grew so accustomed to it as well as in DW and AW that I kind of stumbled on how to help them achieve that aspect. 

So I’m curious why you removed it?

And how others have handled it??