Is a custom handgun with “Hi-powered” and “Big” too much?

Is a custom handgun with “Hi-powered” and “Big” too much?

Is a custom handgun with “Hi-powered” and “Big” too much? Depending on your view they could be the same thing, or it could mean something like a large caliber pistol (Big) with a high-quality cartridge (Hi-powered).

My buddy’s character could do 6-harm with a handgun out of the gate.

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone! Was hoping for some more advice from all you seedy, dangerous Sprawlers. Concerning combat, if there’s one PC with, say, pistols fighting three security guards, how many can be attacked at once by the PC? I know the fiction is important, but do the mechanics allow for a PC to shoot all three? Two? I’m having a heck of a time articulating my confusion, so I hope someone can catch my drift. 🙂

Has anyone done any psychic add-ons for The Sprawl, or is one officially planned?

Has anyone done any psychic add-ons for The Sprawl, or is one officially planned?

Has anyone done any psychic add-ons for The Sprawl, or is one officially planned? I’m tossing around the idea of corporations toying with psychic abilities, possibly boosted/caused by some kind of wetware.

So, for the moves that don’t spell out what a 6- does, I assume the MC just busts a move?

So, for the moves that don’t spell out what a 6- does, I assume the MC just busts a move?

So, for the moves that don’t spell out what a 6- does, I assume the MC just busts a move?

Yes, I had to. Sue me. 😉

So I’m reading through the playbooks and hit the Hacker.

So I’m reading through the playbooks and hit the Hacker.

So I’m reading through the playbooks and hit the Hacker. One bit of disappointment: Hamish, assuming it’s there for the reason I believe, why isn’t a cat included with the armoured fridge? 😉

Priceless, sir. Absolutely priceless!