If you get a minor condition and then another minor condition, do you have a moderate condition or just two minor…

If you get a minor condition and then another minor condition, do you have a moderate condition or just two minor…

If you get a minor condition and then another minor condition, do you have a moderate condition or just two minor conditions?

New to this game, just read the rules and I love it.

New to this game, just read the rules and I love it.

New to this game, just read the rules and I love it. I think. I’m not sure I understand the powers. If I have something like ‘martial arts master’ at easy, then I could take out a couple of muggers without rolling, right? You only roll if there would be an actual threat in the narrative.

Unrelated (sorta), Just watched Jessica Jones and wondered if a good Killgrave character would be possible, or if it would make a fun character, or it would just be too over powered. The Villain, would have to know about the Mind Control hero to make an interesting story.