Have been excited about this game since the One Shot episode back in February and so as soon as I saw it I hopped on.

Have been excited about this game since the One Shot episode back in February and so as soon as I saw it I hopped on.

Have been excited about this game since the One Shot episode back in February and so as soon as I saw it I hopped on. After pledging, it did occur to me that I’m in a weird place re: this game with regard to my normal gaming friends–I’m a dude and most of the folks I play with are women. I’m also basically always the GM of these sorts of things. It occurs to me that given the themes and tone, all female players/male GM might be a really weird dynamic. I was curious if it’s been done or if anyone has any thoughts about it. It’s quite possible this one wouldn’t be for my crew anyway, so it’s more of an idle thought than a big problem to solve, but I am curious.