Will there be a systematic way of converting the AW playbooks to 2nd Ed, or will it have to be a conversion in…

Will there be a systematic way of converting the AW playbooks to 2nd Ed, or will it have to be a conversion in…

Will there be a systematic way of converting the AW playbooks to 2nd Ed, or will it have to be a conversion in spirit?

Patrick Henry Downs , Tim Franzke

Patrick Henry Downs , Tim Franzke

Patrick Henry Downs , Tim Franzke

So, the Beast Tamer. The short version is that I’m having fun with it. I’m playing in a game run by Christopher Grau . We have an odd bunch: myself, a Marmet and a Space Marine Mammal (and technically an Angel but his attendance is erratic). We’re only 2 sessions in, but our psychic maelstrom is the essence of the primal, feral Wildlands, and has caused me to go cannibal. I find the moves and such to be mostly reasonable and comprehensible, but the Born to be Wild move is difficult to pull off: how does one just leave their creature to its impulses without actively commanding it to do so?

So I started an Operator in an AW game on Monday night, run by Brendan Conway and joined by Christopher Grau and…

So I started an Operator in an AW game on Monday night, run by Brendan Conway and joined by Christopher Grau and…

So I started an Operator in an AW game on Monday night, run by Brendan Conway and joined by Christopher Grau and Matt Capizzi . I’ve been pondering how the first session transpired, and I think it’ll take me a few more sessions to start feelin’ the playbook. I’ve played a Gunlugger, Touchstone and Brainer before, and I was pretty much hooked right away each time.

I am working on an AW/Dungeon World hack/re-skin for adventures in space, called Galaxy World.

I am working on an AW/Dungeon World hack/re-skin for adventures in space, called Galaxy World.

I am working on an AW/Dungeon World hack/re-skin for adventures in space, called Galaxy World. Looking for input from any who are interested in providing it.
