I can’t remember if someone shared this here in the past, but, hey, it seems very interesting. ;-)

I can’t remember if someone shared this here in the past, but, hey, it seems very interesting. 😉

I can’t remember if someone shared this here in the past, but, hey, it seems very interesting. 😉


Ok, it’s not about Iceland, strictly speaking, but this statement is certainly interesting:

Ok, it’s not about Iceland, strictly speaking, but this statement is certainly interesting:

Ok, it’s not about Iceland, strictly speaking, but this statement is certainly interesting:

“By studying osteological signs of gender within the bones themselves, researchers discovered that approximately half of the remains were actually female warriors, given a proper burial with their weapons.”


An article about an Icelandic cave inhabited by an outlaw. ;-)

An article about an Icelandic cave inhabited by an outlaw. 😉

An article about an Icelandic cave inhabited by an outlaw. 😉

Originally shared by Archaeology Rocks!

Cave explorers in the Neshraun lava field on Snæfellsnes peninsula (western Iceland) recently discovered a cave with archaeological remains which are believed to be 900 year old.

The cave was discovered last winter, but It‘s location, however, remains secret to protect the remains while they are being investigated.


Some friends of mine said they wanted the proof the book arrived. Here it is!

Some friends of mine said they wanted the proof the book arrived. Here it is!

Some friends of mine said they wanted the proof the book arrived. Here it is!

Worlds in Peril delivered in Persico Dosimo (CR), Italy.

Bottle It Up

Bottle It Up

Bottle It Up

Hello guys!

A friend of mine asked me a question about the move Bottle It Up (from the Professional playbook):

Bottle It Up: If you want, you can take up to +3 bonus when you act under pressure. For each +1 you use, the Keeper holds 1. That hold can be spent late — one for one — to give you -1 on any move except act under pressure.”

– Does the bonus of the move sum to any rating the character is rolling?

– Can the Keeper spend more than a single hold for a given roll, thus giving -2 (for 2 holds spent) or -3 (for 3 holds spent)?

Thank you!

What to do when advancements end?

What to do when advancements end?

What to do when advancements end?

Hi, guys, I’m about to end the saga I’m playing since September. During the last winter (in fiction), two players of three chose to add “change your character role” to the advancements list of their characters, while the third player chose to add “create a new character to play”.

Now, the third player has only one advancement left: precisely “create a new character to play”. If she makes another advancement, is she forced to choose the only option left, even if we are at the end of the saga?

Besides my specific situation, what would you do if a character ends their advancements while the saga is still running?

Whoops, I turned their move back on them!

Whoops, I turned their move back on them!

Whoops, I turned their move back on them!

This is an actual play from my last demo of Night Witches. Alessio’s PC, Ira, and Stefano’s PC, Sveta, were in the infirmary after a training mission which went south.

Sveta eyeballed Ira and Stefano rolled a miss. I looked at my GM playsheet and I also looked at the situation, and I said to them:

“Ok, guys. First: Sveta, choose a question from the eyeball list; Ira, you can answer it as you like. Second: Ira, choose a question from the eyeball list; Sveta, you have to answer it truthfully.”

Ok, it worked, I swear, and it was sweet! But then I looked back to the GM general moves list and I realized there wasn’t such a move like this one. This was a turn their move back to them hard move from Apocalypse World and I used it instinctively because of my previuos gaming experience!

So my question is: can I do things like this when I am the GM at a Night Witches table or is this a “horrible drift” I made on the fly?

Sergeant’s beginning stats

Sergeant’s beginning stats

Sergeant’s beginning stats

Can a sergeant start with +3 -1 -1 or +1 +1 -1 in her stats?

Doubts about Act Up

Yesterday evening I was running a demo with Mauro Ghibaudo, Luca Ghibaudo and Mattia Grazioli.

Luca was playing sgt. Sveta and she was acting up against some male comrades who, in an act of bullying, stole the bombing levers from the planes of Sveta’s Section.

Well, Luca rolled a 7-9 and choose “add one the the mission pool”. Ok, so Sveta didn’t make the boys do what she wanted. The problem is Luca narrated as part of her initial action that Sveta took away with force the levers from Stepen, an NPC.

Then Luca asked me: “Does the 7-9 mean that I still get the levers or not?” Luca’s request was motivated with the general rule of the moves, which states that with a 7+ you still get a success and not a failure.

I answered him that is the general rule of thumb, but that the outcome depends on the specific move: “The trigger of the move says ‘When you try to get your way…’ and, well, if you don’t choose ‘make someone do what you want’, I don’t think you are getting your way”. But, at last, I only narrated Stepen and his friend taking back only a few of the levers, leaving the most with Sveta.

How would have we managed that situation according to the rules?

At p. 65 of the rulebook the list of the “OUR BELOVED 588TH REGIMENT” threat moves is way too long.

At p. 65 of the rulebook the list of the “OUR BELOVED 588TH REGIMENT” threat moves is way too long.

At p. 65 of the rulebook the list of the “OUR BELOVED 588TH REGIMENT” threat moves is way too long.

The reason is the seventh bullet is a missing heading of another threat type: “Our Gallant Flying Comrades”.

On the Owl and on the Raven Nature playbooks the Order of Suvorov is miswritten as “Order of Suv*a*rov”, with the…

On the Owl and on the Raven Nature playbooks the Order of Suvorov is miswritten as “Order of Suv*a*rov”, with the…

On the Owl and on the Raven Nature playbooks the Order of Suvorov is miswritten as “Order of Suv*a*rov”, with the “a” in lieu of the “o”.