a new computer slowed my output, but here is a page from our continued Masks game.

a new computer slowed my output, but here is a page from our continued Masks game.

a new computer slowed my output, but here is a page from our continued Masks game. To keep Sharkface safe, Tachyon deploys the antidote to the drug Lucid, developed by Dr. LaCroix at Vector labs. And then time unraveled.

I am working on pages to put between the pages that I draw (since I am “too lazy” to draw all the pages from our…

I am working on pages to put between the pages that I draw (since I am “too lazy” to draw all the pages from our…

I am working on pages to put between the pages that I draw (since I am “too lazy” to draw all the pages from our session) After the campaign I hope to put them all together as a keep sake for my players, and anyone else that wants a copy.

Ryoko and Sharkface get into a flame war on the internet, then take it into the real world.

Ryoko and Sharkface get into a flame war on the internet, then take it into the real world.

Ryoko and Sharkface get into a flame war on the internet, then take it into the real world. The police show up after a reporter breaks the story.

a page from our game: Polar Bearon heads home for the night to be confronted by his insomniac dad who tries to…

a page from our game: Polar Bearon heads home for the night to be confronted by his insomniac dad who tries to…

a page from our game: Polar Bearon heads home for the night to be confronted by his insomniac dad who tries to connect with his Transformed son, but it doesn’t go well!

I am recruiting for a 12-15 session Masks RPG campaign.

I am recruiting for a 12-15 session Masks RPG campaign.

I am recruiting for a 12-15 session Masks RPG campaign.

Play time will be on Saturdays from 7-10pm CST (GMT-6). We will be using Google Hangouts for voice and Roll20 for die rolling and tabletop.

We will start on June 3, 2017. I am looking for 2-3 more players, I already have 1 player. If interested send me an email: darreldarreldarrel (at) gmail (dot) com.