So, first of all, welcome to the new members of the community.

So, first of all, welcome to the new members of the community.

So, first of all, welcome to the new members of the community. We’ve added a few in the past week or two. Feel free to post questions, impressions and actual play reports here!

Second: I’ve updated the sidebar (links) with a new version, 0.94.

I think we’re quite close to a final version. There’s some reworking of a few moves and details, especially for combat (which is now less forgiving for the characters, oh yes..). As I did the last time the main changes are highlighted in yellow in the rules file.

Waiting for your comments! Enjoy your weekend!

Richard Sardinas you will be happy you can share this with your friends:

Richard Sardinas you will be happy you can share this with your friends:

Richard Sardinas you will be happy you can share this with your friends:

You have a zip file with all you need to play City of Judas with #Fate Accelerated. It’s still very much a beta version so every feedback is much appreciated. There are only 4 playbooks at the moment; I will add more in the coming weeks, but I’d like to have them tested before releasing more.

for the Fate Core version, I don’t know… 2016?? 🙂 

Nicola Urbinati this might interest you!

Andrea Mognon don’t despair! I am working hard at the AW original hack as well, and I feel I’ve reached quite a stable version!

I needed to take a step back from the City of Judas design work (gain some prospective, refresh brain-cells a…

I needed to take a step back from the City of Judas design work (gain some prospective, refresh brain-cells a…

I needed to take a step back from the City of Judas design work (gain some prospective, refresh brain-cells a little, etc..), while I keep playtesting, and to keep myself busy, I started to work on something called “Fate Of Judas”.

There is no ETA yet, but as you can guess, it’s a #FATE (accelerated) porting of the City of Judas (as suggested to me in the past by Richard Sardinas).

If anyone of you had hands-on experience with FATE hacking, or is really into FATE, I can share the drafts for feedback as I work on them. Nothing playable yet, but hopefully something interesting to read/review/comment already.

So, we’re approaching the weekend and I am somehow scared some of you might be bored, with nothing to do.

So, we’re approaching the weekend and I am somehow scared some of you might be bored, with nothing to do.

So, we’re approaching the weekend and I am somehow scared some of you might be bored, with nothing to do. So, instead of sitting on the couch to watch TV, why not read version 0.93b of City of Judas?

Enjoy! and as usual I am looking forward to your comments!


I thought this point raised by Richard Sardinas  deserves a dedicated thread in here:

I thought this point raised by Richard Sardinas  deserves a dedicated thread in here:

I thought this point raised by Richard Sardinas  deserves a dedicated thread in here:

6. Gamist approach: I’d like to hear more about that Richard (if you want, also in mail).

Did you agree with the guys on a time-limit perhaps, for the game, thus they want to squeeze out of the characters the most through successes, rather than “exploring” a story?

Bear in mind that the “Mission” concept gives the game a bit of a gamist taste, that’s true – and as long as this didn’t spoil the fun at the table or created some conflict between the players, it’s fine.

In my mind, the Mission provides focus for a group who’s playing a few sessions and then moving to another game.

On the other hand, the Mission will provide a sort of “introduction” to the characters and the story to a group that is interested in playing a long campaign. Once you’re done with two or three missions, if you all enjoy the game and are interested in the characters, and their background and stories, I guess it will become natural to start exploring alternatives, and dealing with adventures that are more characters-centered than fueled by the Iron Fist assignments to Missions.

Anybody has comments/suggestions?

Question: did you guys read the chapter Fronts Materials?

Question: did you guys read the chapter Fronts Materials?

Question: did you guys read the chapter Fronts Materials? Besides having maybe the chance to try it out in a game, do you think it provides enough material for the GM?

It gives instincts and example GM moves for front types (very much like AW) but with very simple, hopefully evocative keywords. What’s your opinion?

If you had to rewrite that, what would you improve, change, do differently or keep as it is?

I had a chance to do another playtest and this time I took the time to write down an Actual Play of our first…

I had a chance to do another playtest and this time I took the time to write down an Actual Play of our first…

I had a chance to do another playtest and this time I took the time to write down an Actual Play of our first session.

You can have a look here, if you want to read it:

After checking some feedback from Richard Sardinas I improved the rules for the Gangs.

After checking some feedback from Richard Sardinas I improved the rules for the Gangs.

After checking some feedback from Richard Sardinas I improved the rules for the Gangs. There are a few more rules but everything is streamlined, divided into cases, and I believe it all makes sense now and is much clearer. Also, I updated the Raider accordingly.

Playtesting hopefully this afternoon!

If you want a preview of this piece of the manual, you will find it here – although it might need some adjustments on your part to work with the v.0.0.8 that you have now:

Used some of the time of the holidays to review and edit the manual, and thanks everybody for the feedback you’ve…

Used some of the time of the holidays to review and edit the manual, and thanks everybody for the feedback you’ve…

Used some of the time of the holidays to review and edit the manual, and thanks everybody for the feedback you’ve given so far.

Version 0.9 is hopefully going to be ready soon.

I hope this will be the last iteration as a “closed” beta, and that it won’t take too long to have a product “almost ready for publishing”.

I am starting to work with my contacts about the publishing part.