24 Hours Worth of Monsterhearts. That’s a lot of teen drama. 

Two Sessions legit equated to one day game time. A day full of murder, kidnapping, sex and more. 

about 3 sessions….ish left. maybe. 

Ok, hey guys.

Ok, hey guys.

Ok, hey guys. So, I’m looking to work out a Jurassic World/Park inspired game and am thinking of using monster of the week for it. But, I’m a bit mixed on getting enough playbook selection options going there. 

Do any of you have playbook suggestions for the game? (no magic)  Or what are your opinions on using MoTW as the System for such a thing?

swig a beer for the working Man, try to shake the hand of a potential ally, try to turn a Madhouse, and circumvent the run-inner  heel at every turn. 

It’s all possible in World Wide Wrestling RPG.  if you just BOlieve!!

Hey Guys, 

So, I’m looking to run a one-shot/potentially once a month-ish maybe series of Monsterhearts, starting this Saturday at 8pm GMT+1/WEST or otherwise known as 3pm Eastern Standard Time (for those more america centred), or 12 noon cali time. Over Roll20 and Google Hangouts (voice necessary, video optional)

Anyways yeah, looking for as many players as I can get my hands on. Treat it as a oneshot, treat it as a series, whichever, whatever. 


Please leave a comment at topic in the link above to receive a campaign invite.

Cheers Guys!

Tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell ’em all. 🙂

The Inaugural Space Whip Wrestling Session, James Reuben  and Sean Walsh  really hit the ground running with this session. In this session we created the developmental branch of CrossLantic Wrestling Federation, which an NPW has been demoted to. 

And which after 5 advances a character is brought up to CWF, possibly with a new gimmick. 

Or where, if your Audience goes to 0 you’ll be demoted to while you come up with a new gimmick for your character. 

NOTE: Players wanted for this/ CrossLantic Wrestling Federation on Sundays. Please consider joining up! 

WANTED: CWF/SWW wrestlers for

WANTED: CWF/SWW wrestlers for

WANTED: CWF/SWW wrestlers for

Next session on the 31st of May for session 5 of CrossLantic Wrestling Federation or Session 2 of Space Whip Wrestling (Depending on numbers, etc)

But anyways, come join Manik, Crash, Reina, Feehan, Madhouse, Egor and Mountain  for Antics!

or Come Join: Joe “The Wall” Waller, Mikey Mars, Amy Cross, Joey Saturn, The Yu’s (A Kayfabe Siamese Twin Tag Team), and Mr Gunderson for Space Whip Wrestling, the Developmental show of CrossLantic Wrestling Federation. 

It’s good fun XD

Hey Guys, quick question to all Creative out there If you’ve got a match between two NPW’s.

Hey Guys, quick question to all Creative out there If you’ve got a match between two NPW’s.

Hey Guys, quick question to all Creative out there If you’ve got a match between two NPW’s. How/What do you do? do you narrate it? or just sort of explain who won/why/how ? Just trying to get a vibe for this part of play, as it will come up a bit. And get a feel for how others handle it.