Amusing scene from my twice a month masks game.

Amusing scene from my twice a month masks game.

Amusing scene from my twice a month masks game.

So here is the set up, The team has tracked down ‘the coach’ (sports obsessed villain) to his lair (locker room of a abandoned sports arena)

They fighting him and his team of lacrosse equipd henchmen. When the shapeshifter rolls a 10 on “take a blow” and choices lose control of her powers.

As the GM I tell her that she transforms into A LARGE elephant and is stampedeing through the locker room trampling friend and foe.

The team manage to knock the Coach down, and our delinquent Picks up the elephant with her TK and DROPS her on the prone villain.

Now here is why I love masks. in most other game I would have had to figure out how much damage, what modifier and proficiency does rampaging elephant fall under.

Instead I looked at the party and said “I’m going to call it, because we’re not going to top that. the last of the henchmen surrender as the boss passes out under the blue elephant.”

I want to get a second opinion on a character power set.

I want to get a second opinion on a character power set.

I want to get a second opinion on a character power set. They want to do something “green lantern like” as a Janus mask. The suggested powers are nowhere close to to that.

I’m Letting them take “Illusions” and “Telekinesis” to simulate the power.

so my question is there any reason NOT to just use the power sets as suggestions? has anyone had problems letting a character go “off book” like that?

I’ve started a running gag in my masks game called OPN channel. for Oddly Personalised News.

I’ve started a running gag in my masks game called OPN channel. for Oddly Personalised News.

I’ve started a running gag in my masks game called OPN channel. for Oddly Personalised News.

I’m using it to “hang a lampshade” on the fact that in every movie, comic and TV show the main character Just happens to be watching TV JUST when something important to them or the story is being talked about or shown.

Too silly? or just silly enough?