I just ran Masks reskinned for fantasy over the weekend.

I just ran Masks reskinned for fantasy over the weekend.

I just ran Masks reskinned for fantasy over the weekend. Mostly I just changed the names of the “back stories” and some of the moves. (“Dragon”, “Fated”, “Hero”, “Trickster”, “Weapon”, “Protege”, “Other”, “Outsider”, “Hidden” and “Paragon”. The main difference was that I didn’t want to emphasis “teen”, so I was loose with Influence and treated it more like Respect.

The PCs were members of a Kibbutz-inspired group of settlers. In the time of their great-grandfathers, the Landsmen had beaten back the dragons and started the settlement. In the past few years, Orc raiders had moved in and tensions mounted. The situation was that the Landsmen had recently achieved a Pyrrhic victory over the Orcs, and were now working for peace. In play, the Orc leaders were divided, the Orcs themselves were insulting and arrogant, and there were Landsmen prisoners of war being abused as servants. Lots of reasons not to make peace, but they ultimately did to save their community.

It was planned as a one-shot (so that no-one had to commit to more before knowing anything about it), but I was glad to hear talk that they might want more. People were definitely frustrated about having their labels shifted (You moved my stats!), but I think they started to get more used to it in the end. In particular, they are a mostly D&D group, so they weren’t really used to thinking about small scenes of interaction about comforting each other or opening up about fears.