

Hi! I have a question about the Dying. What happens when a players fails on their Trigger move? Does it cause an MC move as usual? I was wondering because then bad things happen no matter what the player rolls (assuming that MC moves are mostly troublesome).

Also, on a 10+ symptoms manifest themselves. In addition, one of the two 10+-options allows chosing the “One of your symptoms manifest themselves in a big way” option from the 7-9 consequences. So, does that mean even more symptoms? Do these options stack? I find this a little confusing.

Thanks in advance, and also for the quick answer to my last question!



Hi! I’ve got a question regarding flashbacks. Are they intended not only to explore a character’s background but to give players the opportunity to insert preparation that their characters would have done? For instance, suppose a player says, “Of course before getting into this fight, I actually hired a bunch of mercenaries as backup. Let’s do a flashback.” Is that sort of thing still within the range of the move?