The original Honorbound sketches. I think the honorbound is my favorite – but it’s hard to choose. Alessandro Rossi
The original Honorbound sketches. I think the honorbound is my favorite – but it’s hard to choose. Alessandro Rossi
The original Honorbound sketches. I think the honorbound is my favorite – but it’s hard to choose. Alessandro Rossi
Here’s the first sketches of the Onomastic. Alessandro Rossi Is pretty amazing.
Here’s the first sketches of the Onomastic. Alessandro Rossi Is pretty amazing.
I find this so interesting. You had me at punk, Stephanie.
I find this so interesting. You had me at punk, Stephanie.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mortaine/threadbare-rpg-a-stitchpunk-tabletop-role-playing?ref=nav_searchFrom that original sketch we then moved into this set of sketches for the Honed.
From that original sketch we then moved into this set of sketches for the Honed.
Hey guys!
Hey guys! Just so you know Kyle and I are being evacuated from our town here in Fort McMurray because of a forest fire. Will update – just in case our phones die you know why
http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/edmonton/wildfire-destroys-fort-mcmurray-homes-most-of-city-evacuated-1.3563977Check it ouuuut. Sketches of the Honed by Alessandro Rossi
Check it ouuuut. Sketches of the Honed by Alessandro Rossi
Hey guys, Brie was kind enough to interview me about the Veil. Check it out
Hey guys, Brie was kind enough to interview me about the Veil. Check it out
Originally shared by Brie “Beau” Sheldon
Five or So Questions with Fraser Simons on The Veil
Today I have an interview with Fraser Simons, who currently has his new game The Veil: Cyberpunk RPG on Kickstarter . I saw the link for the Kickstarter on Twitter and had to check it out. I asked Fraser some questions about the mechanics, so here’s what he…
Interested to see what kind of cyberpunk I look at for my session prep?
Interested to see what kind of cyberpunk I look at for my session prep? Interestingly enough, or maybe not so interesting? I’ll let you be the judge, I found the best cyberpunk stuff on pinterest. This is the same link I give Ale when he asked what kind of art I liked initially, too. Check it out:
https://www.pinterest.com/frasersimons/projects-to-try/I played most, and own some!
I played most, and own some!
Originally shared by Bogdan Doandeș (IceWolf)
How many of them did you played?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg9GNU1V8_0&feature=youtu.be&list=WLHere’s the first sketch I got from Ale for The Dying.
Here’s the first sketch I got from Ale for The Dying.