Hey all

Hey all

Hey all,

I recently started a new campaign that I’m running for my wife and three kids. This is the first time I’ve run this game, and mostly their first story-based RPG.

The first session went fairly well, but my weak spot was definitely my lack of pre-planned locations. I was definitely prepared to improvise wherever they wanted to go, but they don’t really have enough experience/genre-immersion to figure out where they wanted to go.

How do you guys pick locations, and how many do you generally have? Do your players improvise locations well, or do you have to guide them in their investigations?

So during our 2nd session the other night, one of my players pointed out that the Crushed scar is listed as…

So during our 2nd session the other night, one of my players pointed out that the Crushed scar is listed as…

So during our 2nd session the other night, one of my players pointed out that the Crushed scar is listed as Disfigured on the character sheets. Did I d/l old character sheets, or have they just not be updated yet?