The best love letters from last night:
So you’re basically out of action for a week, but Dew is taking care of you. His advances are getting more blatant. He brought you a bouquet of dandelions; when you come out of your fevers he’s there, mopping your brow with a cool(ish) cloth; he offers to give you sponge baths…
Do you?
* Give in to his advances? Roll +weird.
10+: you don’t pass the spirit of the river on to him
7-9: you pass the spirit of the river on to him, but the river wants to protect him
6-: you pass the spirit of the river on to him, and the river wants to consume him now
* Hold him off? How do you do it? Roll +hot.
10+: he accepts it
7-9: he stays, but he needs some sort of sign that maybe someday something
6-: he bails – who takes care of you the rest of the time?
Nabisco (a ten year old kid) comes to you and tells you that Kevin (Nabisco’s crowbar and imaginary friend) found a gun and shows it to you. It’s a pretty nice revolver. “Will you teach me how to shoot now, will ya, huh?”
Do you:
* Spend the week teaching him to shoot? Roll +sharp
10+: Good work. He’s: a) an okay shot and b) you’re reasonably sure he won’t accidentally harm himself or others.
7-9: Decent work. Choose just one of the above.
6+: Not such good teaching. Choose neither, and he still has the gun … but is open to more lessons.
* Try to confiscate his weapon by giving him a talking to? Roll +hot
10+: He gives it to you because you promised to give it back to him someday when “he’s ready”
7-9: He gives you the bullets.
6+: He gives you nothing, and Kevin’s mad at you.
* Try to confiscate his weapon by threats or force? Roll +hard
10+: You got it. Kevin’s mad at you.
7-9: You got it. Kevin and Nabisco are mad at you.
6-: You didn’t get it, and Nabisco is hiding from you.