My group has been playing the hell out of this game, and I decided to create a gimmick for one of our NPWs that is…

My group has been playing the hell out of this game, and I decided to create a gimmick for one of our NPWs that is…

My group has been playing the hell out of this game, and I decided to create a gimmick for one of our NPWs that is about to become a full-fledged character. I also intended for it to be a gimmick that someone who knows RPGs and the tropes of wrestling could use even if they were totally unfamiliar with in-ring moves. I plan on cleaning this up before officially making it available, but have done my editing based on other player-created Gimmicks I found on here once. Not sure of who that was, so if I stole your formatting, thank you!

I’m pretty sure the influences will be clear, and I’d love any feedback!

May I present: THE STREAK.