A couple of rules questions:

A couple of rules questions:

A couple of rules questions:

1. How do you resolve multiple players attempting the change the booking of a match? For example, a heel uses their move to win a match, but their opponent is a Hardcore that wants to use Rules? What Rules? which has the capability of also overriding creative’s booking. Is the Hardcore allowed to do this, negating the heel’s move? Or does the booking decision go to the first one to initiate it? And if someone wanted to run in after that, causing a third Creative override, would they get the final say?

2. When a player is in a tag match with a NPW partner, and the NPW is the legal wrestler and wants to tag out, should the player still roll for a hot tag on behalf of his partner? Or should it just resolve without a move?


Hey guys!

Hey guys!

Hey guys!

I’m running a game tonight, and for my Triple Threat main event, I’m considering the “two wrestlers both pin the third at the same time” trope, a la Kane VS. Undertaker VS Steve Austin. What would be a good way of handling that type of finish? I was thinking both winners are each allowed to roll their finishing moves, and then dramatically set up how they both crawl over for the pin simultaneously.

Do you think allowing both wrestlers to roll their finishing moves is a good solution, or is that too much? My worry is that one or both botch their moves and send the whole thing out the window… Which I guess is still totally fine. 🙂