I just wrapped up a fantastic six session campaign with Tony Reyes Gary Thompson Paul McBride and several others.
I just wrapped up a fantastic six session campaign with Tony Reyes Gary Thompson Paul McBride and several others. In the barren, arid landscape of post-apocalyptic Minnesota, in the remains of a shopping mall in what was once Granite Falls, is a circus tent. With lights, music, show girls, and gambling on the gladiator games held within. The man behind it all: The mildly delusional Barnum, who believed that even in the Dying Times, people needed Entertainment. With the help of the operator known as Colonel Dollarhyde and the warrior Hector, Barnum ruled over the farmers and circus workers in his prosperous hold.
But threats were everywhere. Clean water is scarce and has to be imported from the Pepsiko wells to the south. The militaristic reclusive residents of the Bunker might be allies, but are the source of a deadly plague. Irradiated and blasted, the ruins of Minneapolis may be filled with a cure for the plague, but contain horrors beyond description. From the west comes news of a horde known as the Army of the Risen God. Even within Circus Town, Lost Lark and his devoted followers pose an insidious threat, undermining Barnum’s grasp on power. But, the biggest threat is the Red Hawk Militia, barbarous raiders led by the fiery red-haired beauty known throughout the wastes as the Dragon.
After the ravages of the plague, fighting with Lost Lark’s cultists and a bloody battle with the Red Hawk, Dollarhyde leads thirty survivors south to Pepsiko. Barnum (hardholder), Hector (battlebabe), Ruth (angel), and Hawk (gunlugger NPC) confront the Dragon, who has been horribly burned and mutated by her prize possession: A nuclear warhead. Barnum strikes first with his knife, just seconds before the countdown, and the campaign, ends.