So one of the things that I want to bring forth about the Nahual powers is that they are hard to master.

So one of the things that I want to bring forth about the Nahual powers is that they are hard to master.

Originally shared by Mike Espinoza (Azlath)

So one of the things that I want to bring forth about the Nahual powers is that they are hard to master. One idea I’m having right now (damn is 3 am again!) is to make some Nahual power moves harder to hit (i.e. 8– / 9-11 / 12+). Is this too crazy? (Character will have means to have +4 stats for this moves, even +5). What do you think? #NahualRPG #3amdesign

So one of the things that I want to bring forth about the Nahual powers is that they are hard to master.

So one of the things that I want to bring forth about the Nahual powers is that they are hard to master.

So one of the things that I want to bring forth about the Nahual powers is that they are hard to master. One idea I’m having right now (damn is 3 am again!) is to make some Nahual power moves harder to hit (i.e. 8– / 9-11 / 12+). Is this too crazy? (Character will have means to have +4 stats for this moves, even +5). What do you think? #NahualRPG #3amdesign

Painful decisions.

Painful decisions.

Painful decisions.

Originally shared by Mike Espinoza (Azlath)

So I think is time for me to kill my first darling in #NahualRPG and that will be removing the Furia stat. I love the name! But I just realized I’m now using it only in 1 move, the violence move. And I can easily assign that move to Garra. Being a game that uses animals as playbooks, I think Garra (Claw) is pretty much the one to keep.

Somewhere I heard/read that PbtA is all about “less is more” so, let’s see what happens if I remove it.

So I think is time for me to kill my first darling in #NahualRPG and that will be removing the Furia stat.

So I think is time for me to kill my first darling in #NahualRPG and that will be removing the Furia stat.

So I think is time for me to kill my first darling in #NahualRPG and that will be removing the Furia stat. I love the name! But I just realized I’m now using it only in 1 move, the violence move. And I can easily assign that move to Garra. Being a game that uses animals as playbooks, I think Garra (Claw) is pretty much the one to keep.

Somewhere I heard/read that PbtA is all about “less is more” so, let’s see what happens if I remove it.

The latest iteration of the moves for #NahualRPG. I now added the translation of the move name next to it, in gray.

The latest iteration of the moves for #NahualRPG. I now added the translation of the move name next to it, in gray.

The latest iteration of the moves for #NahualRPG. I now added the translation of the move name next to it, in gray.

Originally shared by Mike Espinoza (Azlath)

Here are the latest iteration of moves for #NahualRPG

Well I was clearly so excited and overwhelmed at #Metatopia2017 that I totally forgo taking pictures.

Well I was clearly so excited and overwhelmed at #Metatopia2017 that I totally forgo taking pictures.

Well I was clearly so excited and overwhelmed at #Metatopia2017 that I totally forgo taking pictures. These are the only photos I have from my playtests of #NahualRPG (thanks to my girlfriend Ileana who took them, and thanks to all my playtesters, those who are here and those from other tables).

So, the way the angel hunting business work is a division of 3 main phases:

So, the way the angel hunting business work is a division of 3 main phases:

So, the way the angel hunting business work is a division of 3 main phases:

1) La Cacería (the hunting)

2) La Tablajería (the butchering)

3) El Expendio (the actual selling)

Before I have it all abstracted in 3 moves. But after some playtesting it comes to my attention that, even though we create the “Changarro” (a.k.a. the business), with some flavourful characteristics, we then forgot about it and went into other directions. Also some players felt like “lost”, not sure what it is that they characters should be doing.

This could be of course, my poor MCing in action. But I’ve also considered to give more depth to the 3 aforementioned phases of the angel hunting trade.

So, what about making each, an actual phase of the game, instead of just a move. Something kind of like what Blades in the Dark does. (Nightwitches also comes to mind)

What do you all think?




I want to offer the most humble and from the heart apology for the image I previously shared on this community. To Daniel Levine who directly commented about the issue, to others whom I may have offended but didn’t commented anything. And SPECIALLY to Meguey Baker who has been very supportive of my small work and has stood at my side defending the small language doubts I’ve been having. I feel horrible right now… and I feel I let her down in the most stupid way…

I could go on talking about the meaning of the image, trying to give it context, the metaphors or meanings the angels have… but all that feels like excuses. An there are none. I should’ve known better.

All I’m going to say is that we as Mexicans grow up in a very machista society. And there are things we quickly learn to identify as wrong because they are so obvious, but there are others (I’ve heard they are called “micro-machismos”) that we don’t realize are wrong (until too late).

I want to state also that Edgar Clement’s is not ill intented when drawing this. I’m sure of it because I know him, because I’ve talked to him, and because he cares for the people and the society in a sincere way (he has even posted some stuff about feminism and the terrible femicides wave happening accross Mexico), but he’s also Mexican like me, and prompt to this micro-machismos as we all.

Again, I’m so terrible sorry about all this. Perdón, perdón, perdón…