I want to offer the most humble and from the heart apology for the image I previously shared on this community. To Daniel Levine who directly commented about the issue, to others whom I may have offended but didn’t commented anything. And SPECIALLY to Meguey Baker who has been very supportive of my small work and has stood at my side defending the small language doubts I’ve been having. I feel horrible right now… and I feel I let her down in the most stupid way…

I could go on talking about the meaning of the image, trying to give it context, the metaphors or meanings the angels have… but all that feels like excuses. An there are none. I should’ve known better.

All I’m going to say is that we as Mexicans grow up in a very machista society. And there are things we quickly learn to identify as wrong because they are so obvious, but there are others (I’ve heard they are called “micro-machismos”) that we don’t realize are wrong (until too late).

I want to state also that Edgar Clement’s is not ill intented when drawing this. I’m sure of it because I know him, because I’ve talked to him, and because he cares for the people and the society in a sincere way (he has even posted some stuff about feminism and the terrible femicides wave happening accross Mexico), but he’s also Mexican like me, and prompt to this micro-machismos as we all.

Again, I’m so terrible sorry about all this. Perdón, perdón, perdón…

7 thoughts on “PUBLIC APOLOGY”

  1. No vi la imagen y no sé de qué se trata…

    … pero es digno de felicitarse cuando:

    1) Alguien reconoce que cometió un error.

    2) Alguien se disculpa honestamente.

    3) Alguien reconoce una falla en su propia cultura.

    (así se crece)

  2. Thanks Mike. The artwork was well done, and I hope Edgar and you can work to find a way to present the concept of an Angel Hunter in a way that addresses the concerns raised.

  3. Good on you for seeing the concerns and addressing them. In the US, microaggressions are still difficult for even the most culturally aware individual to catch. The prevalence of imagery and phrasing that perpetuates the problem in the wider media world certainly doesn’t help. A genuine apology and a willingness to correct the offense helps everyone learn and see how to humbly respond should they have their own issue.

  4. Thanks, Mike. I appreciate you following up, and I hope I didn’t imply that I thought it was malicious. Heavens know I like and support my share of problematic things. But I really do appreciate what sounds like real reflection, and I hope I have as much grace about it if someone calls me out on something!

  5. Wow, thanks. I saw that and felt bothered too, and I should have said something I guess, but I just wanted to move past it at the time. Usually when you say something anyway people don’t listen, but others spoke up, and you listened and changed, and that’s so cool. This post is a great way to turn a bad thing around into a great learning experience so that we can all gain some insight from it. The guilt you’re expressing will fade, and this apology will empower to do great things in the future. Hang in there!

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