No! I was gonna get international incident this month and it’s sold out! :(

No! I was gonna get international incident this month and it’s sold out! 🙁

No! I was gonna get international incident this month and it’s sold out! 🙁

Any idea on how long it will take to restock?

Nathan Paoletta

On the drive thru RPG page, do I need both the role deck and the move deck, or just the move deck?

On the drive thru RPG page, do I need both the role deck and the move deck, or just the move deck?

On the drive thru RPG page, do I need both the role deck and the move deck, or just the move deck?

I’m just wondering if there’s anything unique to the role deck.


So this past game was kind of a clusterfuck of rules.

So this past game was kind of a clusterfuck of rules.

So this past game was kind of a clusterfuck of rules. Can a heel-to-win swerve be interrupted? How does a face ever win if a heel never loses? What are some examples both kayfabe and backstage to deal with this? Does a heel need to show how they won to actually win, so it makes sense fictionally?

An example from tonight’s game: face was booked to win in triple threat cage/ladder. Face was out cold from a big spot, and the other two were heels. One heel grabbed the other’s mask and turned it so it blinded him and went to climb the cage trying to use the heel move to win. The other heel spent 1 momentum to use the interrupt. Is this possible in the rules?

Up until this point we were really focused on the fiction and making the match exciting and believable, but wanting to “win” got in the way when creative announced the booking.

We ended with a little salt, which died down after discussing it for a bit, but I figured I would run it by the experts.

Does the method of winning have to make sense in fiction? Like the cattle prod on Goldberg type thing? Or in a cage match secret handcuffs hidden by the heel?

Would disrupting a players mask result in a win with a third party, and if not force a heel player to pick another option instead of win?

Sorry for the long post but it was confusing. And thank you for your time.

So I just started the free trial of WWE Network, and I just finished ECW Barely Legal ’97.

So I just started the free trial of WWE Network, and I just finished ECW Barely Legal ’97.

So I just started the free trial of WWE Network, and I just finished ECW Barely Legal ’97. As I’ve been out of the loop for a while, what should I watch next?