Hey all, I’m sure this is covered in the book but are there any moves that happen when a character hits 8 harm?

Hey all, I’m sure this is covered in the book but are there any moves that happen when a character hits 8 harm?

Hey all, I’m sure this is covered in the book but are there any moves that happen when a character hits 8 harm? Is there a death save etc or are they just out of luck barring resurrection spells etc?

Hey all! New to GMing this system though ive run my share of dungeonworld at this point.

Hey all! New to GMing this system though ive run my share of dungeonworld at this point.

Hey all! New to GMing this system though ive run my share of dungeonworld at this point.

Im running a con game in 3 weeks and did a run through of my game and had some questions for anyone that has some time to chime in.

1. How do you handle giving players harm when they are firing a weapon at range? Do you just use moves? Have the monster close and attack ….example would be the monster is across a cave and the player unloads his submachine gun at it.

2. This is probably in the book, but can the player choose to “spray a weapon” and split damage mong targets, do all targets take max damage or do they just focus all damage against a si gle target?

Thanks in advance