Another one….
Originally shared by Brook Ward
Detroit Abandonment…Click here to see a higher resolution picture.. http://brook-ward.com/blog/2015/9/19/detroit-abandonment
Another one….
Another one….
Originally shared by Brook Ward
Detroit Abandonment…Click here to see a higher resolution picture.. http://brook-ward.com/blog/2015/9/19/detroit-abandonment
Some real world apocalyptica…
Some real world apocalyptica…
Originally shared by Jeff Wizniak
‘ole coal…. An abandoned coal processing plant hidden in the mountains….
Why reset Hx?
Why reset Hx?
So, this question came up playing our on the fly zombieapocalypse hack. There is this, when you hit +4 Hx, reset to +1. Which doesnt compute, not for my players and not for me. Why the hell should you know someone less, when you got to know them better….hmmm. So i said ill give it some thoughts for some other system and ll see what we can hack
I’m thinking in the lines: when you would go to +4 Hx with another player/NPC, you ell them an important secret about you and it stays at +3…Hx only goes down when there ist betrayal involved (instant success on any move for -2Hx, or you fail to live up to their expectations or failed to help them/somehow made their situation worse ( as a hard wired consequence for a failed help attempt – or hinder too … lets say -1 each)
Just Brainstorming, plz let me know what you think!
So, my plan is to play a Zombieapocalypse in the mood of The Walking Dead TV Show.
So, my plan is to play a Zombieapocalypse in the mood of The Walking Dead TV Show. Right now i m Brainstorming, immersing myself in different media to get into this kind of fiction. Next step is to choose an appropriate system to play this out, preferably with the known stereotypses as playable chars.
Have you had experience with this and could you recommend something?
Look what i’ve found: http://thor.divnull.com/pub/aw/fourth-world-0.9.pdf
Originally shared by Roland P
Look what i’ve found: http://thor.divnull.com/pub/aw/fourth-world-0.9.pdf
Earthdawn, pbtA! What do you think? Anyone tried it?
(Background: i really like the Setting, and we currently have a 2nd ed game running. But the rules kind of keep ennerving me and fighting the way i d like to play, so i m searching for a solution…)
http://thor.divnull.com/pub/aw/fourth-world-0.9.pdfSo, im into Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG, but the system seems a bit too complicated…I know that there are…
So, im into Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG, but the system seems a bit too complicated…I know that there are several SW hacks out there, which, preferably a more action oriented one, could you recommend?
Some real world Apocalyptic to walk through, yeah!
Some real world Apocalyptic to walk through, yeah!
Originally shared by Google Maps
ghost town #StreetView trek
what’s so eerie about it?
no faces to blur
So, this idea is in my Mind to join forces and combine the best of two worlds: A Fate and Dungeonworld ie AW engine…
So, this idea is in my Mind to join forces and combine the best of two worlds: A Fate and Dungeonworld ie AW engine heartbreaker!
This is just Brainstorming, youre welcome to chime in.
So you have colaborative Char and setting creation like in Fate core, a fixed Number of Aspekts, 5 or 6 plus 2 Bonds. High concept would be +2 from there all the way down to trouble at -2. If you do something risky or opposed, roll + Aspekt. Bonds are to help or hinder like in DW
There are no Fatepoints, only the principle of narrative truth: if a player says something about the world, its true, there might be a a yes, but… Involved or a roll (or veto)
So there are my very preliminary thoughts. What do you think?