Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #3
Interesting week here in the community, lots of fun stories in Actual Play, and some excellent rules questions and discussions.
New Chapter: Species
Huzzah! Species! This has been a long time coming, and it’s been a difficult chapter in general. Adding a whole new layer to character creation was quite the balancing act. I ended up going with a cost of 1 career Skill for non-humanoid characters, because the species traits are more or less Skills in their own right. If you want to look at it another way:
Each character gets 1 Species skill, 1 Origin skill, and 2 Career skills. The Humanoid species skill is Gain a Career skill.
Still need to finish the section for Incorporeal which has been giving me a particular amount of grief (can’t quite get a grip on the subject matter).
What’s Next
Next week will be another revision/polish pass on the existing chapters. Reformatting the Characters chapter, tweaking skills, etc. I’ll also be implementing various feedback and suggestions thus-far (seriously, all of you, thank you so much for taking a look at the preview material and giving your feedback, it helps immensely).
One big thing I’ll have for next week is the new advancement/level up system. The old one was unfortunately… half baked? Not up to snuff. Entirely my fault, I’ve mostly played one-shots and short campaigns these past few years, so I really underestimated the impact of a year+ campaign. Fortunately there are a number of community members who have run year+ campaigns, so I’ll be leaning heavily on their experiences to help me make a better system.
Anywho, as always, you can find all the preview material in the folder linked in this post. I’d appreciate any comments, questions, etc.