Artist Spotlight: Aurore Folny

Artist Spotlight: Aurore Folny

Artist Spotlight: Aurore Folny

It’s been quiet in this Group these past couple of days. While I get back into the whole writing mindset, thought I’d post a bit of a spotlight on the fantastic artist who did Uncharted Worlds’ cover: Aurore Folny . (Check out her Artstation page:

I originally approached Aurore to do the cover when I saw her work: I wanted someone who had a bright, strong, vibrant style (GM Principles: “Paint in Primary Colors”).

So I’m very happy to announce that Aurore will be doing the cover of Far Beyond Humanity as well. I’ll be giving sneak peaks at the early sketches of the cover in the coming week, it already looks amazing and I’m stoked to see the final product.

She put a staggering amount of craft into each of the characters on the original cover, as you can see in the close-ups below. Fantastic stuff!

2 thoughts on “Artist Spotlight: Aurore Folny”

  1. The artwork is characterful and diverse, I really enjoyed it. Strong characters that avoid cliches, but feel rich with culture. I am eagerly awaiting your preview of the next cover!

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